Creative Picnic has worked on several large format jobs and exhibition sequences but the most exciting was a  series of animated sequences for the Space Museum in the Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre in Kuwait.
We were honoured to work with Newangle, to create a 4k fully immersive (180˚), 16 minute, planetarium sequence. The sequence was a mix of After Effects 3D and Cinema 4D which transports the viewer into an exciting and educational illustrated history of Arabic astronomy.
It was an educational and rewarding experience - and there is no greater kick than actually being surrounded by your animation!
We also generated a cylindrical 360˚ large format projection to replicate the 'Big Bang'. This was a 5 minute seamless projection which surrounds the viewer illustrating how the universe was formed.
This was a challenging sequence which used a variety of particles and textures to replicate the beauty of the universe. Almost entirely generated in After Effects, when paired with the dramatic music and overwhelming scale of the piece it is an epic and emotional piece.
Creative Picnic also created two 'Pufferfish' sequences. These are animations which are projected onto a sphere. 
The more challenging of these (seen above) illustrated the bands of "Space Junk" circling in orbit around the Earth. These had to wrap seamlessly and had to be achieved with complex spherical counter-distort.
26 metre long media wall installation.

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